Harris Is a “Vital Part of the Formula” as Biden Faces Abysmal Polling Results


According to a recent New York Times/Siena College survey in crucial battleground states, the Biden administration received further discouraging updates. With Biden trailing behind Trump and facing challenges in gaining a lead, certain voters suggest that Harris could be a deciding factor that may push him over the finish line. During an exclusive interview with CNN, Harris acknowledged that the Biden administration would need to “earn” their re-election.

We Have to Earn Our Reelect

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In an exclusive interview with CNN, Harris commented on the recent polling results by stating, “We’re going to have to earn our reelect, there’s no doubt about it.” The polls showed that Trump was still in the lead over Biden in a hypothetical rematch.

Harris Supporters Are Young and Not White

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However, according to The Times, “Harris insiders” have shown a light may be at the end of the tunnel. They reportedly pointed out that “11 percent of Ms. Harris’s would-be supporters do not back Mr. Biden, and two-thirds of them are either nonwhite or younger than 30.”

People Are Paying Attention to Harris

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South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn has also commented on Harris’s gain in popularity: “People were saying, ‘The VP is a drag on the ticket,’” he said. “Now they’re saying just the opposite.”

She Can Move Voters

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Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis has also commented on Harris, “I absolutely think she can move voters,” CNN reported her comments and noted their importance as Davis was from the “target demographics the Biden campaign is desperate to improve with, in a state the President needs to carry.”

Let Them Know the Accomplishments.

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Harris continued her CNN interview by stating, “I have a great sense of duty and responsibility to do as much as I can, to be where the people are and to not only speak with them, but listen to them and let them know what we’ve accomplished.”

Making the Case Effectively

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“It is absolutely right in a democracy with free and fair elections that the candidates, the people who want to continue in leadership have to make their case, and have to make it effectively,” Harris reportedly told CNN. “And that means communicating in such a way that the message is received about the accomplishments and what we care about.”

Harris Can Appeal to Black Voters

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Harris talked with CNN about the need to appeal to young and black voters and said that’s what their campaign intended to do. The CNN article declared, “the vice president can quickly tick through the administration’s record on funding historically Black colleges and universities, dropping insulin prices and increasing affordable housing.”

List of Accomplishments Is Too Long

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But when asked why such a record was not resonating with voters, Harris responded, “Actually, probably there’s a hindrance, in that the list is really long, and we have to triage around what we repeat over and over again to make sure that it resonates and it’s actually heard.”

Harris Is a Vital Part of the Formula

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Michigan Democratic Party chair Lavora Barnes told CNN that Harris was “A vital part of the formula” in winning over black voters.

Trump Leads Biden in Polls, Again

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Nonetheless, Harris and Biden face a challenging task, given the recent polling data indicates that Donald Trump maintained a lead when voters were asked about their preferences among Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr. Trump secured 35% of the votes from respondents, trailing behind were Biden with 33% and RFK Jr with 24%. The question now is whether Harris can provide the crucial momentum to propel Biden ahead.

Disapproval of His Administration and Age a Concern

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The latest poll also highlighted apprehensions about Biden’s age and efficacy in office, which have been long-time voter concerns. A significant 71% of respondents believed that Biden was too old to be an effective President, while 59% expressed disapproval of his handling of the Presidential duties.

Trump’s Favorability Only 1% Ahead

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Biden received a favorable view from only 41% of respondents. Conversely, Trump’s favorability rating wasn’t significantly better, as 42% expressed a favorable view.

More Than Half of Voters Said Trump Had Helped Them

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When respondents were asked the question, “Do you think Donald Trump’s policies have helped you personally or hurt you personally?” 51% of respondents claimed Trump had been beneficial. Among those who believed Trump had helped, 14% identified as Democrats, 87% as Republicans, and 52% as Independents.

More Than Half of Voters Said Biden Had Hurt Them

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But when respondents were posed with the same question but asked about Biden’s policies helping or hurting, 53% responded that Biden had hurt them. 16% identified as Democrats, 88% as Republicans and 53% were independent voters.

Hunter’s Business Dealings Taking Its Toll

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The survey further revealed that Hunter’s business dealings were taking its toll on his father’s Presidential campaign. Respondents were asked, “To the best of your knowledge, do you think Joe Biden personally profited from his son’s business dealings in Ukraine and China?” A significant 50% voted that they thought Biden personally profited.

46% Of Undecided Voters Said Trump Is Bad for America

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However, a positive aspect surfaced for Biden in the findings. When undecided voters were asked, “If Donald Trump won the election, do you think it would be good for America or bad for America, or would it not make much difference either way?” 46% expressed that it would be very or somewhat bad, with the majority emphasizing it would be very bad for the country.

Nationwide Access to Abortion a Big Decider

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The polling also showed that a Democratic candidate advocating for a federal law guaranteeing nationwide access to abortion could secure the votes of 47% of undecided voters.

55% Said Trump Would Not Be an Effective President

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Additionally, in better news for Harris and Biden, when undecided voters were questioned about whether they believed Trump possesses the personality and temperament necessary to be an effective president, 55% responded “No.”

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