America’s Youth Speak Out: “You’re Killing the Country Just as Much as Trump Did” Following Pelosi’s 2024 Announcement


Nancy Pelosi is looking set to run for her 19th term. Her announcement came amid rising concerns over the age of the United States’ leaders and, naturally, people from all political backgrounds are concerned.

A 19th Term

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Pelosi is 83 years old and has represented San Francisco in Congress for over 35 years. If she’s reelected in 2024, it will be her 19th term. “Now more than ever, our city needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. That is why I am running for reelection – and respectfully ask for your vote,” she said on social media.  

Biden and Trump

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Given the ages of President Biden and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, age and mental competency among politicians is something that’s been discussed a lot in recent months. Biden often stumbles in speeches and seems confused, while Trump is almost never able to string together a coherent sentence.  

A Serious Concern

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President Biden is 80 years old, and according to studies, 73% of Americans are “seriously concerned” that his age has the potential to negatively affect his mental state. Plenty of people are also questioning criminal defendant Trump’s cognitive, mental, and emotional health, especially given his age and the stress he’s under amid his legal troubles.  

Mental Competency Tests

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Given all of the talk around age and cognitive ability, plenty of politicians are now calling for term limits. One such individual is Republican Nikki Haley, who even suggested “mental competency tests for politicians over 75.”  

A Pivotal Party Figure

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According to Pelosi’s campaign, her main priority is “to ensure that, come 2025, she is serving alongside President Joe Biden and Speaker Hakeem Jeffries.” While her critics say she’s too old, her supporters assert that she’s an “influential lawmaker” and a “pivotal party figure.”  

An Important Debate 

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Given the senior age of so many of the country’s politicians, there’s no wonder so many young people don’t feel represented in politics. With figures from both parties undoubtedly falling behind on the times and becoming out of touch, the debate around term and age limits is unlikely to end soon.  

The Internet’s Response

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News of Pelosi’s announcement was shared across the internet, reigniting discussions about politicians, age, and term limits. Interestingly, most people agreed on the matter regardless of political opinion or party affiliation.  

One of the Best of a Bad Bunch

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Every now and then, someone did defend Pelosi. These individuals usually pointed to her obvious competence in terms of cognitive ability and her impressive career history. While every politician has a questionable past to some degree, a fair few commenters described Pelosi as one of the best of a bad bunch.  

Donald Trump’s Age

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In a country so terribly divided, it’s become rare to see so many people united in opinion. The only fiction occurred when some fans of Trump attempted to argue that he shouldn’t be discussed in the conversation about age, despite being 77 and unable to form proper sentences.  

The Importance of Term Limits

Trump 2024 presidential election campaign, Make America Great Again
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Summing up the opinion of many young people, one social media commenter said: “Man, politicians seriously need term limits. People shouldn’t be allowed to make policies that will never affect them.”  

Gaining Leadership Experience

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “She needs to retire already. Let the next generation – you know, the ones who will still be around to see the effects of their policies – take the lead. Give them time to gain leadership experience before they, too, are geriatric.”  

The Next Generation’s Turn

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Another individual said: “I’m not really a fan of any politician but, as far as they go, Pelosi is okay. She’s done a lot of good. However, everything has its time. Doesn’t she want to retire and relax? Doesn’t she want to dive into the benefits of her success before it’s too late? It’s the next generation’s turn now.”  

Her Time Is Done

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Regardless of political affiliation, most people held the same opinion. “Her time is done. She should be working to help develop the next person. The inability to recognize this is how people lose touch with the public. I can say the same for Mitch and anyone else holding on to political positions of power to their deathbeds,” another commenter wrote.  

A Safe Blue Seat

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One person pointed out that there wouldn’t really be any risk to the Democrats if Pelosi retired. They said: “I’m so sick of these people not knowing when it’s time to get out. She’s from CA, so her seat wouldn’t be hard to keep blue. She’s only being selfish instead of stepping aside and campaigning for a new candidate.”  

Pelosi’s Formidable Wits

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Despite the criticism, a small minority did defend Pelosi. “She’s still got her formidable wits about her, and she resigned her leadership position. I’m not concerned,” one person said. “Yeah, but still. She should hand over the reins and be an advisor to her replacement,” another hit back.  

Killing the Country

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One person left a message to all politicians over 80. They wrote: “From everyone under 80 – you’re killing the country just as much as Trump is. Please, for the love of God, stop thinking you’re a superhero when you’re 80+.”  

Dear Elder Superheroes

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The commenter continued: “If that were true, then explain the state things are in, dear elder superheroes. Explain how things are in the state they are in if you’re a superhero and you’re the ones who have been in charge. I’d love to hear it.”  

Believe in the Future

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The commenter concluded their statement by begging politicians to trust the next generation. “Just retire peacefully and believe in the future. You were given your time and more privilege than anybody else,” they said.





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