Overcoming 15 Common Obstacles Women Face When Riding Motorcycles


Motorcycling is a thrilling and empowering experience, but it can come with its own set of challenges, especially for women riders. Despite the growing number of female riders, women still face unique obstacles on the road. In this article, we will explore 15 common obstacles that women face while riding motorcycles and provide practical solutions to overcome them.

One of the common challenges that women riders face is finding the right gear that fits well and provides adequate protection. Motorcycle gear is often designed with men in mind, and finding gear that fits well can be a daunting task for women. Another obstacle is dealing with stereotypes and biases from other riders and non-riders alike. Women riders are often subjected to gender-based assumptions and negative stereotypes, which can be discouraging and frustrating.

However, there are ways to overcome these obstacles and enjoy the freedom and excitement of motorcycling. By educating themselves on gear options and seeking out supportive communities, women riders can find the resources they need to make the most of their riding experience. With the right mindset and preparation, women can overcome these obstacles and become confident and skilled riders.

Understanding the Challenges

Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also present unique challenges for women riders. Despite the growing number of female motorcycle riders, there are still obstacles that can make it more difficult for women to enjoy the freedom of the open road. Here are some common challenges that female motorcycle riders face and how to overcome them.


One of the biggest obstacles that female motorcycle riders face is the stereotype that riding a motorcycle is a “man’s” activity. This stereotype can make it difficult for women to feel welcome in the motorcycle community and can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion. To overcome this challenge, women riders can seek out other female riders and join women’s motorcycle groups to find a supportive community.

Safety Concerns

Another challenge that female motorcycle riders face is safety concerns. Women riders may feel more vulnerable on the road and may worry about their safety when riding alone or in unfamiliar areas. To overcome this challenge, women riders should invest in proper safety gear, take motorcycle safety courses, and ride with other riders whenever possible.

Finding the Right Motorcycle

Finding the right motorcycle can also be a challenge for female riders. Many motorcycles are designed with male riders in mind, which can make it difficult for women to find a comfortable and safe bike to ride. To overcome this challenge, women riders should look for motorcycles that have a lower seat height, lighter weight, and a narrow profile to fit their body type.

Lack of Access to Gear

Another challenge that female motorcycle riders face is the lack of access to gear designed specifically for women. Motorcycle gear can be expensive, and many manufacturers do not offer gear that is tailored to the female body. To overcome this challenge, women riders should seek out gear designed specifically for women or have their gear custom-made to fit their body type.

Barriers to Entry

Finally, female motorcycle riders may face barriers to entry when it comes to getting started in the motorcycle community. Women may feel intimidated by the male-dominated culture of motorcycle riding and may not know where to start when it comes to buying a motorcycle or learning how to ride. To overcome this challenge, women riders can seek out female mentors and take advantage of resources designed specifically for women riders.

Gender Bias in Motorcycling

Motorcycling has traditionally been a male-dominated activity, and as a result, women riders often face gender bias. This bias can manifest in a variety of ways, from assumptions about a woman’s riding ability to outright discrimination.

One of the most common forms of gender bias in motorcycling is the assumption that women are not as skilled or experienced as male riders. This assumption can lead to women being excluded from group rides or not being taken seriously when they express interest in more challenging rides.

Another form of bias is the belief that women are not as interested in motorcycles as men. This assumption can lead to women being overlooked when it comes to marketing and advertising, as well as being excluded from events and activities that are geared towards male riders.

Women riders may also face discrimination when it comes to motorcycle gear and apparel. Many manufacturers still design gear with men in mind, which can make it difficult for women to find gear that fits properly and provides adequate protection.

To overcome gender bias in motorcycling, it is important for women riders to prove themselves through their riding skills and involvement in the community. By participating in group rides and events, women can demonstrate their passion for motorcycling and show that they are just as capable as male riders.

Additionally, women riders can advocate for themselves by speaking out against gender bias and pushing for more inclusive practices in the motorcycling community. This can include calling out discriminatory behavior and working with manufacturers to develop gear and apparel that is designed specifically for women.

In conclusion, gender bias is a common obstacle that women riders face in motorcycling. However, by proving themselves through their riding skills and advocating for more inclusive practices, women can overcome these obstacles and enjoy the freedom and excitement that motorcycling has to offer.

Safety Concerns

Safety is a top priority for any motorcycle rider, and women riders are no exception. There are several safety concerns that women riders may face, but with proper preparation and precautions, they can be overcome.

One of the most important safety measures for any rider is wearing a helmet. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends that riders wear a helmet that meets DOT (Department of Transportation) standards. It is important to ensure that the helmet fits properly and is secured properly before riding.

Another safety concern for women riders is distraction. It is important to stay focused on the road and avoid distractions such as texting or talking on the phone while riding. Additionally, women riders should be aware of their blind spots and take extra caution when changing lanes or turning.

It is also important to be familiar with the signs of fatigue and take breaks when needed. Fatigue can lead to poor decision-making and slower reaction times, which can be dangerous when riding a motorcycle.

Overall, safety should always be a top priority for women riders. By taking proper precautions and being aware of potential safety concerns, women riders can enjoy the freedom and excitement of riding while minimizing the risks.

Financial Hurdles

One of the most significant obstacles that women face when it comes to riding motorcycles is the financial burden. Owning and maintaining a motorcycle can be expensive, and many women find it challenging to afford the costs associated with riding.

The cost of purchasing a motorcycle can vary greatly depending on the make and model. Additionally, there are other expenses to consider, such as insurance, maintenance, and repairs. Women may also face additional costs if they need to purchase specialized gear or equipment designed specifically for female riders.

To overcome financial hurdles, women can take several steps to reduce the costs associated with owning and maintaining a motorcycle. Some tips include:

  • Researching different motorcycle models to find one that fits their budget
  • Shopping around for insurance to find the best rates
  • Learning basic maintenance and repair skills to reduce the need for costly repairs
  • Purchasing used gear or equipment to reduce costs
  • Joining a motorcycle club or online community to find deals on gear and equipment

By taking these steps, women can reduce the financial burden of owning and maintaining a motorcycle and enjoy the freedom and excitement of riding.

Lack of Confidence

Lack of confidence is a common obstacle faced by women who ride motorcycles. It can be intimidating to be the only woman in a group of male riders or to feel like you are not skilled enough to handle your bike. However, it’s important to remember that confidence comes with experience, and there are steps you can take to build your confidence as a rider.

One way to build confidence is to practice in a safe and controlled environment. Consider taking a motorcycle safety course that will teach you the basics of riding and provide you with an opportunity to practice in a controlled setting. This will help you build your skills and gain confidence in your ability to handle your bike.

Another way to build confidence is to ride with other women who ride motorcycles. Join a local women’s riding group or attend a women’s motorcycle event. Being around other women who share your passion for riding can be empowering and help you build your confidence.

It’s also important to set realistic goals for yourself. Start with small, achievable goals, such as riding a certain distance or mastering a particular skill. As you achieve these goals, your confidence will grow, and you can set more challenging goals for yourself.

Finally, remember that confidence is not something that can be given to you by others. It comes from within. Believe in yourself and your abilities as a rider, and don’t let anyone else’s opinion of you or your riding skills affect your confidence.

By taking these steps, you can overcome your lack of confidence and become a more confident and skilled rider.

Finding the Right Gear

One of the most important aspects of riding a motorcycle is wearing the right gear. When it comes to women riders, finding the right gear can be a challenge. Here are some common obstacles women face when it comes to finding the right gear and how to overcome them.

Obstacle: Limited Options

Many motorcycle gear manufacturers have historically focused on designing gear for men, leaving women with limited options. This has made it difficult for women to find gear that fits well and provides adequate protection.

Overcoming the Obstacle

Fortunately, in recent years, more and more manufacturers have started designing gear specifically for women. Women’s motorcycle gear is now available in a wide range of styles and sizes, making it easier for women to find gear that fits well and provides adequate protection.

Obstacle: Loose Clothing

Loose clothing can be dangerous when riding a motorcycle. Loose clothing can get caught on the bike or in the wheels, causing a crash. Additionally, loose clothing can flap in the wind, causing distraction and reducing visibility.

Overcoming the Obstacle

When selecting gear, it’s important to choose clothing that fits snugly and doesn’t flap in the wind. Look for gear that is designed to fit well and stay in place while riding.

Obstacle: Finding Gear That Looks Good

Many women want to look good while riding, but finding gear that is both stylish and functional can be a challenge.

Overcoming the Obstacle

Fortunately, there are many options available for women who want to look good while riding. Many manufacturers now offer gear that is both stylish and functional, allowing women to ride safely and look good at the same time. When selecting gear, it’s important to prioritize safety over style, but with so many options available, it’s possible to find gear that meets both criteria.

Overall, finding the right gear is essential for women riders. By overcoming the obstacles of limited options, loose clothing, and finding gear that looks good, women can ride safely and comfortably.

Height and Motorcycle Size

One of the most common obstacles that women face when riding a motorcycle is their height. Many women feel that they are too short to ride a motorcycle comfortably or safely. However, with the right motorcycle size and some adjustments, women of all heights can enjoy riding a motorcycle.

When it comes to motorcycle size, there are a few things to consider. The first is the seat height. Women who are shorter may have trouble reaching the ground when they are sitting on a motorcycle. To overcome this obstacle, women can look for motorcycles with a lower seat height. Some manufacturers make motorcycles with adjustable seats, which can be helpful for women of different heights.

Another factor to consider is the weight of the motorcycle. Women who are smaller in stature may have trouble handling a heavier motorcycle. It is important to choose a motorcycle that is appropriate for your size and strength. A lighter motorcycle can be easier to handle and more comfortable to ride.

In addition to choosing the right motorcycle size, there are some adjustments that women can make to improve their riding experience. For example, women can adjust the position of the foot pegs and handlebars to make the motorcycle more comfortable for their height. They can also add padding to the seat to improve their reach to the ground.

Overall, height should not be a barrier to riding a motorcycle. With the right motorcycle size and adjustments, women of all heights can enjoy the freedom and excitement of riding a motorcycle.

Dealing with Pressure

Riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling experience, but it can also come with a lot of pressure, especially for women. There may be pressure from family and friends who are concerned about safety, or pressure from society about what is considered “appropriate” for women. Here are some tips for dealing with pressure while riding a motorcycle:

  • Communicate with Family and Friends: It’s important to have open communication with loved ones about your passion for riding. Explain to them the safety measures you take, such as wearing protective gear and taking riding courses. Let them know that you are aware of the risks and are taking steps to minimize them.
  • Join a Riding Group: Riding with a group of like-minded individuals can help alleviate some of the pressure. You can share experiences and tips with other riders who understand the challenges you face as a woman rider.
  • Stay Confident: It’s important to trust your own abilities and not let the pressure get to you. Take time to practice and hone your skills, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice when needed.
  • Set Boundaries: If you feel overwhelmed by pressure from others, it’s important to set boundaries. Let them know that you appreciate their concern, but ultimately it’s your decision to ride and you are confident in your abilities.

Remember, riding a motorcycle is ultimately a personal decision and should be done for your own enjoyment and fulfillment. Don’t let pressure from others take away from that experience.

Getting Started as a Beginner

Starting to ride a motorcycle as a beginner can be daunting, but with the right guidance and training, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Research

Before getting started, it’s important to do some research. Look up information about motorcycle riding, training, and safety. Read reviews and compare different training programs to find the best fit for you.

Step 2: Take a Motorcycle Training Class

Taking a motorcycle training class is a crucial step for beginners. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) offers courses that teach the basics of motorcycle riding, safety, and handling. The Harley-Davidson Riding Academy is also a popular option for those who want to learn from experienced instructors.

Step 3: Get Your License

Once you have completed a training class, you will need to get your motorcycle license. This usually involves passing a written test and a skills test. Check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for specific requirements.

Step 4: Choose the Right Motorcycle

Choosing the right motorcycle is important for beginners. Look for a bike that is easy to handle and fits your body size and riding style. Consider starting with a smaller engine size and working your way up as you gain more experience.

Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is key to becoming a confident and safe rider. Find a safe and empty parking lot or a quiet street to practice your riding skills. Start with slow-speed maneuvers and work your way up to higher speeds and more challenging situations.

By following these steps, beginners can start their motorcycle riding journey with confidence and the right skills to stay safe on the road.

Challenges of Riding Alone

Riding alone can be a thrilling experience for many women riders, providing a sense of freedom and adventure that is hard to match. However, it can also present some challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride. Here are some of the common obstacles faced by women riders when riding alone and how to overcome them:

Lack of Safety

One of the biggest concerns for women riders when riding alone is safety. Riding alone can make you more vulnerable to accidents, theft, and other dangers. To ensure your safety, it is important to take precautions such as wearing protective gear, carrying a first aid kit, and staying alert at all times. It is also a good idea to let someone know your route and expected arrival time.


Riding alone can also be a lonely experience, especially on long rides. To overcome this, consider joining a riding group or club. This can provide you with a sense of community and support, as well as the opportunity to meet other like-minded women riders.

Mechanical Issues

When riding alone, it is important to be prepared for any mechanical issues that may arise. This includes carrying a basic toolkit, spare parts, and knowing how to perform basic repairs. It is also a good idea to have a reliable motorcycle that has been properly maintained.


Navigating unfamiliar roads can be a challenge, especially when riding alone. To overcome this, consider using a GPS or map to help you navigate. It is also a good idea to plan your route in advance and familiarize yourself with the roads you will be traveling on.


Packing for a solo ride can be a challenge, especially if you are traveling for an extended period of time. To make packing easier, consider making a checklist of essential items and packing them in a way that is easy to access. It is also a good idea to pack light and only bring what you need.

Overall, riding alone can be a rewarding experience for women riders, providing a sense of freedom, adventure, and independence. By taking the necessary precautions and being prepared for any challenges that may arise, women riders can enjoy a safe and enjoyable ride on their own terms.

The Impact of Weather Conditions

Weather conditions can have a significant impact on a woman’s motorcycle riding experience. Riding in adverse weather conditions can be challenging and dangerous, and it is essential to be prepared for any situation. Some of the most common weather conditions that can impact motorcycle riding are discussed below.


Riding in the rain can be challenging, and it is essential to take precautions to ensure safety. Wet roads can be slippery, and the visibility can be reduced. To overcome this obstacle, riders should wear appropriate rain gear that is waterproof and reflective. It is also advisable to slow down and increase the distance between vehicles to avoid hydroplaning.


Strong winds can be another obstacle for women riders. Crosswinds can cause the motorcycle to sway, making it difficult to maintain control. To overcome this obstacle, riders should keep a firm grip on the handlebars and lean into the wind. It is also advisable to reduce speed and avoid sudden movements.


Riding in hot weather can be uncomfortable and exhausting. It is essential to stay hydrated and wear appropriate clothing that is breathable and lightweight. It is also advisable to take frequent breaks and avoid riding during the hottest parts of the day.


Riding in cold weather can be challenging, and it is essential to stay warm and comfortable. Riders should wear appropriate clothing that is windproof and waterproof. It is also advisable to use heated grips or hand warmers to keep hands warm and maintain control.


Fog can reduce visibility and make it difficult to see other vehicles and obstacles on the road. To overcome this obstacle, riders should use appropriate lighting and wear reflective clothing. It is also advisable to reduce speed and increase the distance between vehicles to avoid collisions.

Overall, weather conditions can have a significant impact on a woman’s motorcycle riding experience. It is essential to be prepared for any situation and take appropriate precautions to ensure safety.

Choosing the Right Motorcycle

When it comes to choosing the right motorcycle, there are a few things to consider. Women riders should look for a bike that is comfortable, easy to handle, and fits their riding style. Here are some tips to help women riders choose the right motorcycle:

Consider Your Riding Style

Women riders should consider their riding style when choosing a motorcycle. Do they plan to ride long distances or just around town? Will they be riding on highways or back roads? These factors can help determine the type of motorcycle that is best suited for their needs.

Choose a Comfortable Bike

Comfort is key when it comes to riding a motorcycle. Women riders should look for a bike that is comfortable to sit on and has a comfortable riding position. A bike with adjustable handlebars and foot pegs can help ensure a comfortable ride.

Look for Easy Handling

Women riders should look for a motorcycle that is easy to handle. A bike with a lower center of gravity can help make it easier to handle, especially for riders with less experience. It’s also important to choose a bike with good brakes and a smooth transmission.

Consider a Harley-Davidson

Harley-Davidson motorcycles are a popular choice among women riders. They offer a range of bikes that are comfortable, easy to handle, and stylish. Harley-Davidson also offers a range of accessories and gear designed specifically for women riders.

Overall, choosing the right motorcycle is an important decision for women riders. By considering their riding style, comfort, and handling, they can find a bike that is perfect for them.

Track Day Challenges

Participating in a track day can be an exciting and challenging experience for motorcyclists. However, women riders may face some unique obstacles when it comes to taking their bikes to the track. Here are some common track day challenges for women riders and how to overcome them:

1. Lack of Confidence

Some women riders may feel intimidated by the speed and intensity of a track day. They may feel like they don’t belong or that they’re not good enough to participate. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Take things slow, focus on your own progress, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from more experienced riders.

2. Safety Concerns

Safety is always a top priority when it comes to riding motorcycles, and this is especially true on the track. Women riders may worry about the risks involved in participating in a track day. To address this challenge, it’s important to prepare properly by wearing appropriate safety gear and taking a track day course to learn the rules and safety procedures.

3. Bike Setup

Getting your bike ready for a track day can be a challenge in itself. Women riders may struggle with the physical demands of setting up their bikes, such as adjusting the suspension or changing the tires. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to seek out help from experienced riders or mechanics who can assist with bike setup.

4. Speed

Speed is a key component of track day riding, and it can be challenging for women riders who may not have as much experience with high-speed riding. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to start slow and gradually build up speed as you feel more comfortable. Focus on your technique and don’t worry about keeping up with other riders.

5. Navigating the Track

Learning the layout of the track can be a challenge for women riders who are new to track day riding. To overcome this challenge, it’s important to take the time to study the track map and walk the course before getting on your bike. Pay attention to key markers and focus on your line to help navigate the track with confidence.

Overall, participating in a track day can be a rewarding and exhilarating experience for women riders. By preparing properly, building confidence, and seeking out help when needed, women riders can overcome these common obstacles and enjoy the thrill of track day riding.

Overcoming the Obstacles

Women riders face unique challenges when it comes to riding a motorcycle. However, with the right mindset and preparation, these obstacles can be overcome. Here are some tips to help female motorcyclists achieve their goals:

1. Confidence is Key

One of the biggest obstacles for women riders is lack of confidence. To overcome this, it’s important to practice regularly and take small steps towards your goals. Start with short rides on familiar roads and work your way up to longer, more challenging rides.

2. Proper Gear

Another obstacle women riders face is finding proper gear that fits well and provides adequate protection. Investing in quality gear, such as a helmet, jacket, and boots, is essential. It’s also important to ensure the gear is comfortable and fits properly.

3. Finding the Right Bike

Choosing the right motorcycle can also be a challenge for women riders. It’s important to find a bike that fits your size and skill level. Take the time to test ride different models and find the one that feels most comfortable and manageable.

4. Dealing with Stereotypes

Unfortunately, women riders often face negative stereotypes and assumptions about their abilities. The best way to overcome this is to focus on your own goals and ignore the naysayers. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage and motivate you.

5. Building Skills

Improving riding skills is essential for any motorcyclist, and women riders are no exception. Take advantage of training courses and practice regularly to build confidence and improve your abilities.

6. Staying Safe

Safety is always a top priority for motorcyclists, and women riders face unique safety challenges. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings, wear proper gear, and follow traffic laws. Additionally, consider taking a self-defense course to prepare for unexpected situations.

By focusing on these tips, women riders can overcome common obstacles and achieve their goals on the road.