President Joe Biden has released a statement discussing economic growth in the United States. People haven’t responded well to his words, with many rushing to social media to share their annoyance.
President Biden’s Statement
Biden wrote: “I always say it is a mistake to bet against the American people and just today we learned the economy grew 4.9% in the third quarter. I never believed we would need a recession to bring inflation down – and today we saw again that the American economy continues to grow even as inflation has come down.”
Growing the Middle Class
The president continued, going on to discuss Bidenomics: “It is a testament to the resilience of American consumers and American workers, supported by Bidenomics – my plan to grow the economy by growing the middle class.”
A Negative Response
But despite Biden’s apparent satisfaction, many Americans were frustrated by his claims. People were particularly annoyed by his assertion that “median wealth for American families has grown by a record amount accounting for inflation.”
The Rising Cost of Living
One social media commenter, relying only on their anecdotal experience and not accounting for the fact that there is an international cost of living crisis, said: “My groceries are up, gas prices are up, utility bill is up.”
Working Three Jobs
Others highlighted the difficulties many Americans are facing in terms of keeping up with inflation: “Thank you, Joe. My neighbors are working three jobs to keep those unemployment numbers down and to increase their real wages to combat inflation.”
Out of Touch
One person seemingly questioned how in touch with the average American Biden is: “Ah yes, the classic, ‘Let’s pat ourselves on the back for stats that don’t tell the whole story’ [post]. Meanwhile, back on Earth, many are still struggling with the rising cost of education, healthcare, and housing. But hey, unicorns and magical fairies are doing great!”
Hiding Behind Numbers
Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another individual said: “Are you out of touch with real Americans? If you want to hide behind numbers, fix these – the price of gas, the price of food, the price of electricity, the interest rate on a credit card, the average amount of credit card debt, the interest rate of a mortgage, and the cost of housing. Get those in order, then tell us how great it is.”
The Hardest Years
One commenter said that Biden’s time as POTUS had been the “hardest years” of their life: “I’m actually living the middle class right now Joe and your lies do not deceive me! These last three years have been the hardest years of my life thanks to you and your corruption.”
Expenses Are Outpacing Wages
Quite a few people accused the president of spinning the truth: “Families struggling to pay bills and maxing out their credit do not quite see it this way. You know the truth is that expenses are outpacing wages. Rather than address the concerns Americans have, you spin it.”
An Unrealistic Measure
Another individual said: “If only the GDP was a realistic measure of how 90% of us are really doing. Instead, it’s a metric to show how the other 10% are doing and help determine where they should move their investments in the shell game.”
Billionaires Making Billions
Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person wrote: “When the economy does well, billionaires make more billions. When the economy does bad, regular people get fired. The economy isn’t an indicator of society doing better.”
Lies, Lies, Lies
Some people even accused Biden of lying about the 4.9% number: “Lies, lies, lies! I can’t afford gas. I can’t afford rent. I can’t afford food. Where on Earth did he pull that number from? Biden’s either delusional or a liar.”
A Liar and Thief
Plenty of people echoed the aforementioned commenter and some used much stronger language. “Biden makes me sick. He’s a liar and a thief,” one individual said. “Least truthful president we’ve ever known in the entire history of the United States,” another added.
Killing the Middle Class
Despite the economic growth, social media users were convinced that Bidenomics is terrible. “All you have to do is go to the grocery store, or get gas, or go to a movie, or try and buy a house to know that Bidenomics sucks. It is killing the middle class,” one commenter wrote.
Perception vs. Reality
But despite the heavy criticism, some looked at the situation more objectively. One such commenter said: “The disconnect between how the economy is doing and people’s perception of it right now – as indicated in polling – is quite stunning.”
The Economy Sucks for Normal People
Others tried to explain the backlash: “The economy is doing fine at large. The problem is the cost of living is still insanely high. Interest rates are high. Rent, food, transportation costs are all still very high. So to normal everyday people, the economy, for them, sucks.”
A Very Good Place
One person actually said the economy is doing well: “The economy is not doing nearly as badly as social media would have you believe. We’re in a very good place at the moment. Of course, low-information voters are going to screech about it for the next year.”
The Hypocrisy of MAGA
Others criticized Trump supporters and their hypocrisy: “When Trump was president, he touted a 2.6% GDP increase as incredible. Now that it’s at 4.9% under Biden, it’s phony statistics. Gotta love undereducated MAGA.”
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