In recent polls, it’s evident that Biden has been experiencing a consistent decline in support from Black voters, who are increasingly directing their focus toward Trump. According to the latest NBC News Poll, only 69% of Black voters currently express support for Biden, a notable drop from the 92% who endorsed him in 2020. Although there are reports suggesting that the Black community might not turn out to vote in 2024, contrasting opinions suggest that the “sleeping giant” is now awake and participating in elections in greater numbers.
Biden’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Drops
According to the latest polling by NBC News, Biden’s net approval rating among Black voters has seen a nearly 20-point decline throughout the year. The survey reveals that 61% of Black voters express approval of Biden, while 34% indicate disapproval.
20% Are Backing Trump
In a theoretical rematch, a survey conducted by NBC News indicates that 69% of Black voters would support Biden, with 20% favoring Trump.
Biden Had 92% Black Support in 2020
According to a separate September poll by Yahoo News/YouGov, just 66% of Black voters would opt for Biden in the 2024 election, a significant departure from the 92% Black support he garnered in 2020.
Biden’s Support Well Beneath Previous Polls
The Times noted that in referencing the polling results, Biden’s “support among Black, Hispanic and other nonwhite voters is well beneath previous lows for Democrats in pre-election polls over the last several decades, including the polls from the last presidential election.”
Six Swing States Are Crucial
An October poll by The New York Times/Siena, focusing on voters in six pivotal battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—revealed that 22% of Black voters are inclined to choose Trump. These states are regarded as pivotal for securing a presidential victory in 2024.
Low Support Among Colored Voters
The Times has also reported that Biden has dwindling support with voters of color, citing the reason for Biden’s poor polling “appears to be mostly responsible for the close race in early national surveys, which show Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump all but tied among registered voters even as Mr. Biden runs as well among white voters as he did four years ago.”
Worried That Black Communities Won’t Vote
NBC has recently published an article titled “Eyes on 2024: Black voters sour on Biden.” In this piece, reporter Curtis Bunn interviewed potential voters in Ohio. The article notes that some experts conveyed to Bunn that although Black voters are expressing dissatisfaction with Biden, it doesn’t necessarily imply they would vote for former President Trump if he secures the GOP nomination, a scenario that appears increasingly probable. Instead, some Black leaders are worried that voters in their communities won’t vote at all.
Black Americans Are Voting More
However, in a conflicting article, USA Today declared that Black voters appear “to be more in play than ever.”
Black Voters Played a Significant Role
The USA Today report highlighted how “Black voters played an important role in enshrining abortion rights in the Ohio state constitution.” It also pointed out that Black voters had a significant role “ in flipping the Virginia House to Democratic control.”
Demonstration of Electoral Strength
The article further pointed to the fact that Black voters “rejected a Black Republican candidate for governor in Kentucky.” The report stated that Black voters were “demonstrating their enduring electoral strength even as questions emerge over this key group’s support for Biden.” Democratic strategist Adrianne Shropshire told USA TODAY that Black voters were a critical part of the elections, “certainly in Ohio and in Kentucky, and in Virginia, in other places as well.”
Majority of Black Voters Supported Abortion Rights
In the recent vote on abortion rights in Ohio, where voters resoundingly voted to protect abortion rights and women’s reproductive health, ABC Today conveyed that over 80% of Black voters, a larger percentage than white and Latino voters, endorsed the measure, citing an exit poll by NBC News.
Awakening the Sleeping Giant
In an interview with USA TODAY, Prentiss Haney, co-executive director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, told reporters,” I think what this shows is that we awakened the sleeping giant in Ohio.” The article also added that Black people make up 11% of Ohio state’s voting population.
Biden Fights on Over Age Issue
Amid growing voter concerns about Biden’s age and polls indicating him trailing behind Trump, the President marked his 81st birthday. Interestingly, Trump, who is just slightly over three years younger, faces fewer concerns among Americans about being too old for the presidency.
A Uniquely Low Point in Presidency
In an interview, Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt raised another issue that was discouraging voters from backing Biden. Horwitt told NBC News that “Joe Biden is at a uniquely low point in his presidency, and a significant part of this … is due to how Americans are viewing his foreign policy actions.”
Israel/Hamas War Also Having an Impact
NBC also reported that Republican Bill McInturff also commented on the poll, stating, “This poll is a stunner … because of the impact the Israel-Hamas war is having on Biden.”
Biden Can Win Voters Back
Horwitt, however, said Biden had chances to win voters back, adding: “Jury verdicts in Trump’s trials, unforeseen events both foreign and domestic, and the rigors of a campaign all have a funny way of upending what may be true today.”
Biden’s Job Approval Rating Drops
The most recent NBC poll has underscored a decline in Biden’s job approval rating among all registered voters, reaching its lowest point. Currently, only 40% approve of his job performance, while 57% express disapproval.
Latino and Black Men Are Not Immune to Finding Trump Appealing
Users went online to discuss Biden’s drop in popularity among Black voters. One user posted, “It’s something they should take seriously. Dems need to find a better way to speak to their coalition. It’s going to be difficult because there are such disparate views and concerns. I think they’ve over simplified Latinos’ feelings about immigration and Black people’s feelings about racism. They also need to realize that Latino and Black men are not immune to finding Trump appealing for the same reasons white men do.”
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