This action was taken in reaction to Florida’s HB 1069, which was enacted as an expansion of Governor DeSantis’ divisive “Don’t Say Gay” statute.
Parents May Remove Any Inappropriate Books
Parents may file a challenge against any book that they believe is unsuitable under this regulation, and the book will be removed while it is being reviewed.
The Bible Has “S*xually Explicit Content”
The Bible was criticized by Christina Quinn, who said that it included “s*xually explicit content.” I wouldn’t say it’s merely to illustrate a point, she said. It essentially says, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” which means we can’t choose one book over another when they both have comparable content.
Temporary Removal of the Bible
Her complaint prompted Volusia County Schools to act quickly, which led to the Bible’s temporary removal. The district conducted a thorough three-day evaluation of the Bible’s content after the removal. The goal of this procedure was to determine if the state legislation adequately protected sacred writings, such as the Bible.
The Ruling
In the end, the district came to the conclusion that the legislation should exempt the Bible and other religious writings from removal.
Not the First Time the Bible’s Been Challenged
This episode, however, is not unique; such challenges to the Bible have been reported in a number of American communities where parental involvement in the selection of instructional materials is permitted.
Utah Removes the Bible Too
The Bible was taken out of elementary and junior high schools in Utah after an anonymous parent voiced concerns about its s*xual nature.
“One of the Most S*x-Ridden Books Around”
The anonymous parent who objected to the Bible in December 2022 created an eight-page list of offensive passages and called the Bible “one of the most s*x-ridden books around.”
Freedom From Religion Foundation
One of the main proponents of removing the Bible from school libraries is the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). The FFRF demanded that religious literature be removed in Colorado and Florida if they contained explicit content similar to other books that are banned, and they advocated for the application of consistent standards to religious texts.
District Must Hold Religious Texts to Same Standards as Other Library Books
Chris Line, a staff attorney for the FFRF, stated: “The District must hold religious texts to the same standards it holds all other library books, review them, and, if they contain the same inappropriate content as the bible, must also remove them under the District’s standards. Removing the bible for its obscenity or graphic s*xual content based on neutral criteria is not religious discrimination.”
They’ve Done Nothing Wrong in the Eyes of the Law
A number of people shared their opinions about the occurrence. A comment was made that said, “A specific one and not others, yes, but if the school allows any and all other religious texts to be included on its library shelves, then they’ve done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law.”
Children Grow Up to Be Exactly the Monsters That We All Are
“Every vice, act of violence, and atrocity of war that is depicted in the Bible happens on a daily basis today in all societies on earth,” another person said. “Children grow up to be exactly the monsters that we all are, regardless of whether they ever come into contact with a Bible.”
Explicit Material in the Bible Isn’t Concerning
“The explicit material in the Bible isn’t concerning, it’s the use of the Bible by some people to justify their hate and prejudice for other human beings,” remarked a third.
Parents Would Likely Expose Their Children to Bible’s Content Outside of Schools
The Tallahassee Democrat was informed by Priscilla West, the chair of the Moms for Liberty chapter in Leon County, that she did not think the district would eventually outlaw the Bible. She pointed out that, in contrast to the books that were outlawed, parents would probably decide to expose their kids to the Bible’s contents at home.
Those Who Would Prematurely S*xualize Other People’s Children in School
She made fun of those who were against her group’s censoring attempts by saying, “Those who would prematurely s*xualize other people’s children in schools also do not want children exposed to the Bible.”
The Bible Would Still Be Widely Available Outside of Schools
“I don’t foresee LCS Board members taking a stand to remove the Bible from school libraries, but even if they did, would it make any difference in the children’s daily educational experience?” West went on. “Happily, in this country, the Bible would still be widely available outside of schools to all who choose to enrich themselves with its wisdom.”
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