“Donald Is the Greatest Domestic Violence Threat in the United States”: Trump Calls for Supporters To Do “Whatever It Takes” To Ensure His Victory


Criminal defendant and presidential hopeful Donald Trump has posted a new campaign video to social media. In it, he told his supporters that his rivals in the GOP are trying to rig the primary. Moreover, he told them to “do whatever it takes” to ensure his victory.

Donald Trump’s Message

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The video was around a minute in length. The former president said: “To our wonderful Trump caucus captains, thank you for all that you’re doing. We really appreciate it. The most important thing you can do for our campaign is to lock in your ‘Ten for Trump’ and send them out for caucuses and teach them how to caucus, take them into your car on caucus night.”


Whatever It Takes

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Trump continued: “If you have to, do whatever is necessary. We got to make America great again – so do whatever it takes. If you do, we will win and win big. You know the other side does cheat and we’re not going to let that happen – cannot have that happen – that’s what we need from you.”


A 4 AM Tantrum

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The criminal defendant is often criticized for his childish, hateful, and sometimes even dangerous posts on social media. Earlier in the week, he had a 4 AM tantrum about a gag order imposed on him due to his online behavior.


Trump’s Legal Troubles

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Trump in the Polls

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Despite his legal troubles and problematic behavior, reports suggest that Trump is polling at around 58% in the Republican primary. That’s almost 46 points ahead of rival Ron DeSantis, who sits at only 13%.


The Internet’s Response

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News of the disturbing campaign video was shared across the internet and people were quick to give their opinions on the matter. For the most part, they were horrified. Some even talked about a hypothetical Trump dictatorship.


A Revenge Campaign 

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Others called for the criminal defendant to be sent to prison for his numerous alleged crimes and apparent future threat. One person made fun of him for lacking actual policies and basing his entire campaign around revenge.


Straight Out of Trump’s Playbook

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One social media commenter said: “This is straight out of Trump’s playbook of ‘everyone else is cheating but me,’ except he’s too stupid to hide the fact that he’s doing the exact thing he’s accusing others of doing. He cheats and his supporters say it’s genius. His rivals do the same and those same supporters roll around on the floor crying. This is where we’re at.”


Priming the Electorate 

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One person suggested that the former president was intentionally putting ideas into the heads of his supporters should he lose the nomination: “Priming the electorate for his next fraud on the American people. Didn’t work the first time. We see you, ’91 Felonies.’”


King-God Trump

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Another individual wrote: “Are we just going to ignore the fact that he’s telling his supporters to do ‘whatever is necessary?’ Isn’t this exactly what he said that led to the Jan 6th riots where his supporters tried to coup the entire government for their King-God Trump?”


Lock Him Up

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Others called for the former president to be incarcerated: “Donald Trump is the greatest domestic violence threat in the United States and America’s greatest national security threat. Lock him up!”


It Wasn’t Biden

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One person pointed out that Trump’s indictments have nothing to do with Biden: “Biden didn’t bring charges three years ago because Trump was president three years ago. He didn’t bring charges now either. These were all brought by grand juries, individual states, and federal courts.”


Acting Like a Guilty Man

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Another commenter pointed out that the former president is seemingly acting very guilty: “Sounds like a desperate man to me. He knows the only way to get out of his legal troubles is to be president. He acts like a guilty man, doesn’t he?”


Trump’s Revenge Politics

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Others said that Trump lacks actual policies: “Was there a policy discussion in there somewhere? I don’t think so because he doesn’t have one – just revenge politics. Yep, that will move America forward… right into a dictatorship.”


A MAGA Misfit Cult

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One person called MAGA Republicans “terrorists.” They said: “Some of his MAGA misfit cult will follow his orders. They claim scary terrorists are sneaking across the border. I say they are already here.”


A Warning for Trump’s Fans

Image Credit: George Sheldon/Shutterstock.

Another individual left a warning for Trump’s supporters: “Listen up, MAGAts. When he takes down all of us, he’s also taking you down. Bad enough he’s grifted all your money for his own pleasure but really… if you think you’ll be part of the privileged few when he’s destroyed everything, think again.”


A Severe Danger

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Pointing out the similarities between the campaign video and Trump’s actions before the Jan 6th insurrection, another commenter wrote: “He tried that once? And I wonder how many of the ones who listened and are sitting behind bars have regrets? This man is a severe danger to every one of us and needs to be stopped.”


A Hypothetical Scenario 

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One person discussed an interesting hypothetical scenario: “Wouldn’t it be something if his high poll numbers are all part of some twisted troll scheme? People saying they’re going to support him then, come counting, he only lands 1%. That would be awesome. His head would literally explode.”



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Editorial credit: lev radin / Shutterstock.

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