“Another Bankruptcy in the Making From the Stable Genius”: Trump’s Truth Social Venture Is Failing Financially


Former President Donald Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, and its parent company, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), face significant financial hurdles. Despite being Trump’s primary social media outlet, the platform has only generated $3.7 million in net sales. At the same time, it has incurred substantial losses.

Overview of Truth Social’s Financial Status

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The first public disclosure of Truth Social’s internal financial details paints a challenging picture. The platform, owned by TMTG, has not translated its high-profile association with Trump into meaningful revenue. This indicates potential issues in monetization strategies and market acceptance.

Insight into TMTG’s Financial Health

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The financial statements from TMTG’s SPAC merger partner, Digital World Acquisition Corp., reveal a complex financial situation. The “change in fair value of derivative liabilities,” a financial term, plays a significant role in the company’s financial standing. This is critical for potential investors and market analysts.

TMTG’s Significant Losses

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Excluding the impact of derivative liabilities, TMTG has suffered losses of $60.5 million since its inception. This has included operating losses and interest payments. This figure reflects the inherent risks and challenges in launching and sustaining a tech startup in a competitive market. It appears that the company is not faring well.

Concerns About TMTG’s Viability

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TMTG’s unaffiliated public accounting firm has released an assessment of the company. This raises concerns about the company’s ability to continue operations. The firm’s doubts highlight the financial difficulties TMTG faces in maintaining its business model and fulfilling its financial obligations.

TMTG’s Financial Uncertainties

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The company’s filing acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding its ability to meet financial obligations. These obligations include liabilities from promissory notes. This situation demonstrates TMTG’s challenges in securing traditional financing without significant progress in its business endeavors.

Risk of TMTG’s Merger Failure

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The merger between Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp. is a lifeline for TMTG’s future. Should this merger fall through, the consequences could be serious, potentially spelling the end for the company. This merger is not just a financial strategy but a crucial step for TMTG to stabilize and grow in a competitive market. 

Trump’s Stake in TMTG Valuation

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Donald Trump’s stake in TMTG is estimated to be somewhere between $5 million and $25 million. This contrasts with the much higher initial valuation of $875 million. This significant discrepancy has raised questions about the market’s reception of TMTG and its actual worth. It also highlights the uncertainties surrounding TMTG’s financial standing and ability to attract investors.

TMTG’s Revised Business Plans

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TMTG’s decision to halt its streaming service represents a significant pivot in its business strategy. This move is likely driven by the need to conserve resources and focus on more viable projects. It speaks to the challenges in the streaming sector, where competition is fierce and consumer demands are high. 

TMTG’s Organizational Changes

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In a strategic response to financial pressures, TMTG has made notable organizational changes. It has reduced its workforce in the streaming video and infrastructure sectors. These cuts show a broader trend in businesses facing economic challenges – prioritizing sustainability over expansion. 

Trump’s Commitment to Truth Social

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Trump’s pledge to prioritize Truth Social as his preferred social media platform showcases his dedication to his digital venture. However, the social media landscape is in flux, especially with Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and the reinstatement of Trump’s account. Trump must balance his commitment to Truth Social while navigating the broader social media ecosystem.

TMTG’s Acknowledgement of Risk

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In its filings, TMTG has been upfront about the various risks it faces, including those linked to Trump’s legal entanglements and previous business ventures. This level of transparency is essential. It provides a clear picture to investors and stakeholders of the potential hurdles and uncertainties that could impact the company’s future. 

Public Reaction to TMTG’s Struggles

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The public’s response to TMTG’s difficulties has been very critical. One user said, “Everything he has started has failed or gone bankrupt…he is a loser.” Other users shared this perspective. They view TMTG as just another chapter in a series of unsuccessful ventures. These critiques cast doubt on the potential success of Truth Social.

Skepticism Over TMTG’s Future

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Criticism of TMTG extends to its financial prospects, with many seeing it as a continuation of Trump’s pattern of failed businesses. One user said, “Another bankruptcy in the making from the stable genius,” clearly showing the public’s doubt about the platform’s sustainability. This skepticism is rooted in the apparent failures of Trump’s past business endeavors.

Public Doubts Trump’s Business Skills

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Similarly, the challenges faced by Truth Social have led to questions about Trump’s capabilities as a businessman. Critics, including some of his supporters, find it hard to align the platform’s struggles with their perception of his business acumen. Some users called it “just another failed Trump venture” and said they “still can’t understand how his minions think he is a good businessman.”

Comparisons with Musk’s Twitter Takeover

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Truth Social’s difficulties are often compared with Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, highlighting the challenges inherent in managing social media platforms. Musk’s own losses post-acquisition are seen as a warning sign. Comments like “Ouch. Then again look at $billions lost by Mr. Musk after he took over Twitter” draw parallels between these businessmen.

Divergent Views on Trump’s Business Skills

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Trump’s business failures, as highlighted by his critics, contrast sharply with the support he receives from his followers. While some label him a “loser” for his business mishaps, others defend his ventures. Comments like “But the MAGAts say he is a great businessman…” and “Born a loser, he’ll die a loser. Everything he touches turns to crap” show the divide in public opinion.

Critiques of Trump’s Business Record

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Trump’s business history attracts harsh criticism, with many pointing to his string of failed ventures. Accusations of suspect financial sources, such as “That’s why I can’t prove it, but I know he got and gets his money from Russia, ergo the strong ties to Putin,” contribute to his narrative as a controversial figure. These critiques, while speculative, add to the negative views surrounding his business practices.

Public Perception of Truth Social’s Content

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The content on Truth Social has been controversial, with critics accusing it of encouraging hate and misinformation. Comments like “there is no truth on Truth Social, just whining and playing the victim card and spreading hate/violence toward others” highlight these concerns. This negative perception challenges the platform’s credibility and raises questions about its ability to cater to a diverse audience.


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