18 Misconceptions Paraded as ‘Biblical’ – But Are They Really in the Scriptures?


The Bible, a timeless text filled with profound wisdom and spiritual teachings, has often been subjected to misinterpretations and additions throughout the centuries. In this article, we examine 18 widely accepted “Biblical” truths that, curiously, do not appear anywhere within the sacred text.

The Trinity

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The concept of the “Trinity,” which signifies the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as simultaneously three distinct individuals and one entity, does not appear in the Bible. Despite multiple references to all three divine figures, the actual term “Trinity” is conspicuously absent from the scripture.

Adam and Eve Eat an Apple

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It’s a common belief that the forbidden “fruit” Eve consumed in the Garden of Eden was an apple, but the Bible never specifies the fruit type. This detail seems to have been a result of cultural storytelling and artistic interpretation over the centuries.

The Phrase, “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”

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This phrase, often linked with Christian teaching, does not actually appear in the Bible. It is attributed to St. Augustine and encapsulates the idea of showing love to all people while rejecting sinful behavior.

The People Mock Noah for Building an Ark

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The narrative of Noah building an ark is undoubtedly a prominent story in the Bible. However, it never mentions that Noah was ridiculed by the people for his actions. While it’s entirely plausible, the mockery is more a result of artistic liberty taken in modern interpretations.

The 7 Deadly Sins

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Though the Bible unequivocally categorizes “lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride” as sins, it doesn’t list these as the seven deadly sins in a particular section. They are individually condemned but never grouped together as a list in the scripture.

The Phrase, “Money is the Root of All Evil”

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The actual Biblical passage from 1 Timothy 6:10 states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…” This subtly shifts the focus from money itself to the love of it as the root cause of various forms of evil.

Jonah and the Whale

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The tale of Jonah being swallowed by a “whale” is a product of translation and interpretation over the years. The Bible only refers to a “big fish” in the Book of Jonah, leaving the exact species to our imagination.

The Phrase, “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”

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The popular saying, “God helps those who help themselves,” isn’t found anywhere in the Bible. Its origin lies in Algernon Sydney’s 1698 work, “Discourses Concerning Government,” and has since been mistakenly attributed to the Bible.

The 3 Wise Men

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Although the story of the three wise men visiting the newborn Jesus is well-known, the Bible doesn’t actually specify their number. It only mentions the three gifts they brought: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Phrase, “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle”

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This comforting phrase isn’t found in the Bible. While the scripture does suggest that God won’t allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity, it doesn’t explicitly say that He won’t let us face more hardship than we can bear.

Satan Rules Hell

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The Bible never states that Satan is the ruler of hell. While Satan is cast into the lake of fire in the Book of Revelation, it does not indicate him having authority over it. This concept appears to be a modern fictional addition.

The Immaculate Conception Refers to Jesus

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The term “Immaculate Conception” often causes confusion. It actually refers to the conception of Mary without original sin, a belief not found in the Bible, not the virgin birth of Jesus.

The Forbidden Fruit is Symbolic of Sexual Sin

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While many interpretations have suggested that the forbidden fruit is symbolic of sexual sin, the Bible doesn’t make this explicit connection. The nature of the original sin remains ambiguous and open to interpretation.

Jesus was Born on December 25th

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The exact birth date of Jesus Christ is not mentioned in the Bible. The tradition of celebrating His birth on December 25th was established much later and is not biblically based.

Guardian Angels

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The Bible has several references to angels, but the specific concept of each individual having a personal guardian angel is not mentioned. This idea seems to be more a comforting belief than a Biblically recorded fact.

The Rapture

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The term “rapture,” referring to the catching up of believers to meet Christ in the end times, is not found in the Bible. While various passages allude to such an event, the actual term does not appear.

The Appearance of Jesus

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Despite the countless artistic renditions of Jesus, the Bible does not provide a detailed description of His physical appearance. His appearance has largely been left to artistic interpretation.

There Were Only Two of Each Animal on Noah’s Ark

Editorial credit: Peter Heidelberg / Shutterstock.com.

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible mentions that Noah took seven pairs of animals, particularly the “clean” ones, onto the Ark, not just two of each. The “two of each kind” rule seems to apply specifically to the “unclean” animals.      





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