Speaking to hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, Axios founder Jim Vandehei expressed his concern over the growing rumors of an army of Trump loyalists intent on running the government after the 2024 election.
A Professional Purge
Discussing what would happen if Trump were to win the election, Vandehei said: “He’s going to do everything he can to purge anybody who’s professional staff who has been there a long time and have a year’s worth of vetting.”
A Worrying Report
Recent reporting was the subject of much of Vandehei’s apprehension. He said: “We have reporting this morning that what’s different if he wins is that he’s going to come into office with an army of 40 to 50,000 people, ready to staff the government.”
Trump’s Own Language
Vandehei spoke of how people “always get sidetracked by the rhetoric that Trump uses,” noting how Trump appears to have his own way of speaking to his supporters that can often be confusing or distracting. He continued: “He’s been very, very specific with us about what he’s going to do.”
A Step Too Far
He continued by condemning: “It’s one thing to have rhetoric. It’s another thing to take the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice and put in there people who believe what Trump believes so that you can do the things that he says he’s going to do.”
“A Pre-Vetted, Pro-Trump Army”
In a report from Axios that Vandehei co-authored, the potential of a “power grab” was discussed: “Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents.”
An Ideology Trump Loyalists Can Support
Vandehei expressed further worry when speaking on “Morning Joe” about the subjective vetting system that may place Trump supporters in prime positions. He said: “They’re asking people about their ideology, books they’ve read, name one figure who you believe captures your spirit, your political philosophy.”
Gutting the Government
He continued: “I think the obvious answer there for a lot of them is going to be Trump. And if you answer Trump, you pass this loyalty test. Then they can put you into the bowels of government where the action happens.”
“Hell-Bent”: Trump’s Tenacity
Scrutinizing the potential effects of a pro-Trump government, Vandehei said: “I won’t assume he’s saying these things with bombast. He’ll come in hell-bent on doing it.”
“The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime”
He further warned: “This time it will be a much more organized government to be able to do it with which is why I think this is the most important election of our lifetime because the contrast is massive and both sides would come in with teams ready to do what they want to do.”
Trump’s Part To Play
In Vandehei’s reporting, it was denounced that Trump is behind the potential move: “Trump himself spends little time plotting governing plans.” They continued that he may still have a part in it: “But he is well aware of a highly coordinated campaign to be ready to jam government offices with loyalists willing to stretch traditional boundaries.”
A Warning Worth Repeating
The report by Axios reiterates Vandehei’s words on the advantageous position Trump supporters could find themselves in: “If Trump were to win, thousands of Trump-first loyalists would be ready for legal, judicial, defense, regulatory and domestic policy jobs.”
Careful Consideration
The curation of the applications for government positions appears to be singularly focused: “Immense, intense attention will be given to the social-media histories of anyone being considered for top jobs. Those queasy about testing the limits of Trump’s power will get flagged and rejected.”
“Undeniably a Trump-Driven Operation”
The report concludes that whilst “this apparatus will be inherited by any Republican nominee,” the résumé-collection project is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation.”
How the Internet Sees the Threat
When discussing the possibility of an “army” of Trump loyalists, one person wrote: “They’re planning on overthrowing the government. Win or lose the election. When are people going to realize that?”
“In Plain Sight”
In response to Vandehei’s reporting of Trump’s army growing “behind the curtain,” one person declared: “There is no curtain! It’s all happening in plain sight and no one is doing anything about it.”
Biden May Be the Best Option
Another user expressed their worry: “This makes me so nervous and annoyed when people say “I’m not voting for Biden no matter what”… grow up and realize where we are, it’s about democracy and not living under a fundamentalist dictatorship at this point.”
Left To Blame?
However, another person questioned the lack of action from democrats: “Why aren’t the democrats literally screaming about this every chance they get. A shadow government is being set up and everyone’s just like oh ok no problem here?”
Trump’s Supporters Draw Comparisons
One person took to social media to condemn Trump’s loyalists: “Nazis prepared and excited for opportunity to nazi as hard as possible.”
“He’d Sell the Country Out”: Trump’s Desperation
Another user called out Trump’s tactics: “He’s so desperate to rule America he’d sell the country out, which is why I believe he stole the documents from the Government. Who would have imagined he’d be this person. Not a mere show monkey but an actual traitor.”
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